You can run filters on your booking types such as finding leads that cancelled for a booking.
To do this, head to the leads table, then select the Advanced filter, followed by the Bookings filter.
Once you've selected bookings, you can filter by a specific booking type or leave it open to any booking.
From there, you can then choose to filter by the following:
Lead registered for booking - This will display all leads that registered for your booking
Booking was cancelled - Any leads where they registered and cancelled their booking (or in some scenarios if the Funnel admin cancelled the booking)
Bookings starts at - Allows you to find bookings specific to a booking session start time
Booking location - Find all leads that have registered for a particular location
Lead registered at - Allows you to filter by the date the lead registered to attend a booking. For example, if you had a range of leads for a booking type who registered over a week, it would let you drill down to the leads that registered on a given day