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App Tour

Our App tour helps guide your community through using your school’s app.

Ben Hare avatar
Written by Ben Hare
Updated over 5 months ago

Our App tour helps guide your community through using your school’s app. The tour begins automatically when a user opens the app for the first time, displaying a series of steps to guide them through how to use the app.

Below are the screens that will be shown to a user:

  1. A Welcome Page will appear explaining how to get the most out of the app.

  2. Subscriptions and tags – If you’re using Digistorm for notifications, this screen will appear asking users to select what they’d like to be subscribed to. The user’s selections will define the types of information they see and receive.

  3. Push notifications – If they would like to allow push notifications.

  4. And lastly, biometrics, which they can choose if they would like an extra layer of security.

After users have gone through the tour, they can still navigate to ‘more’ and then ‘settings’ to update their subscriptions, biometrics and notification preferences.

Please contact support if you would like to have the App Tour enabled on your School App.


How often does the tour show for users? Currently, the tour only shows when the user opens the app for the first time or if they reset their app.

Is there any way to re-launch the tour? Yes, by using the `Sign out` feature from the app or the `Reset app` feature for those apps without auth on startup.

Both of these functions will reset the app, clearing out the user’s preselected preferences.

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