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Veracross Attendance Module

The attendance module integrates with the Veracross attendance module within the portal.

Ben Hare avatar
Written by Ben Hare
Updated over a month ago

ℹ️ Who can use this feature

  • Anyone with the role of Teacher within the Veracross portal will have access to the attendance module.

The attendance module seamlessly integrates with the Veracross system within the portal, providing teachers with a native experience directly in the app.

This feature allows teachers to:

  • Take attendance for the for either daily or class attendance depending on the teachers configuration

  • View attendance for past and future classes

  • Display a list of students enrolled in that class and their current attendance status for that day

  • Add / Display notes that the front office has made to explain the absence will be in the - “Other Notes” field for example if they are absent, late, leaving early, etc. from their class.

How it works

  • Users with the Teacher role within Veracross can login to the app and navigate to the attendance module.

  • From the attendance list screen, you'll see a list of classes available to mark attendance.

  • The status of Taken or Not Taken will appear indicating if a teacher has marked attendance as Complete.

  • By selecting a class, you are then prompted with the attendance details displaying a list of students within that class.

  • You can select an individual student or by bulk (via the checkbox) to mark the attendance status or leave a note.

  • Once complete, you can then mark the attendance as Complete to update the status.


  • Can you mark attendance in the past or future? No, you can only view the class in the past or future. Updating attendance can only be done for the present day.

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