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How to export to your SIS from Funnel

Funnel integrates with a number of School Management Systems. This is a general guide on how to process your SIS export.

Ben Hare avatar
Written by Ben Hare
Updated over a week ago

If your school uses one of the following School Management Systems, follow the steps below to export your lead data from Funnel directly to your SIS.

  • TASS

  • Synergetic

  • PCSchool

  • Maze

  • Kamar

  • Sentral

  • Blackbaud

Once you're happy with the lead data and are ready to export into your SIS, you can process the export individually or by using 'bulk select'.

To export from the Lead Details page, select your lead and on the top right of the screen, you'll see your relevant export option. The example below is integrated with Synergetic, and exporting this will provide the export file to import to your Synergetic instance. If your SIS has an import API this process will be automated to feed the data directly into your SIS without the need for any file download or upload.

To complete a bulk export you can select the leads from the Leads list page, select more and select export to then choose your export type from there.

If you need help finding leads ready to export, this article will help.

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