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View lead field edit history

Easily view the history of your edits within a lead field.

Ben Hare avatar
Written by Ben Hare
Updated over 2 years ago

Keep track of any changes to your lead data by viewing the edit history of all changes in bulk or at a per lead and per field level.

To view changes in bulk, navigate to the leads list page and select the three quick action dots on the top right-hand side of the table to select view edit history.

You'll see a table containing all recent field changes that have occurred in your system. This information is broken down per lead/guardian, which field was updated (details), what the value was (changed from), what it has been updated to (changed to), how the data change occurred (source) and when the change occurred (date).

This table can be filtered by a specific field of interest, a time period, how the data was updated, or who the data was updated by using the quick filter options across the top of the table.

If you're interested in viewing this history on the lead page, you can hover on the field of interest under the lead or guardian details where a revision icon will appear alongside that field.

When you select the revision history icon, you'll see a modal summarising the information regarding any changes to the data in that field.

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