Funnel + Feesable Integration
Ben Hare avatar
Written by Ben Hare
Updated over a week ago

Funnel + Feesable

How the integration works

Please review the following link and complete the form to begin the setup of your integration:

Steps to setup your integration

To activate the integration, we first need to establish a secure link between your Funnel and Feesable accounts. To do this, you'll need to create a new Funnel user account for the sole purpose of the Feesable connection.

  1. Click on your Settings to jump into the Funnel user area.

  2. Select the Users tab and then the New User button.

  3. Enter the First name, Last name, and Email as provided on the form link above. You'll also need to set up a temporary password, then Feesable will login and update this once they have access to the account.

  4. Enable View and Edit checkbox in the Manage User Access area and select Save.

  5. Once you've created the new user, you can email the credentials directly to your Account Manager at Feesable.

  6. Feesable will then enable the integration and successfully authorise data flow between the two systems.

Setup new fields in Funnel

Next, you'll need to request your Digistorm Client Success Manager to set up the Feesable fields in Funnel. Digistorm will then enable the following fields on your behalf:

  1. For your enrolment form, we'll add the following fields to the terms and conditions page. If you have your own preferred copy for the form, please let your Digistorm Account Manager know:

    1. Are you happy for the school to contact you regarding your enrolment?

    2. What is your preferred contact method?

  2. Add “Feesable” as an Enquiry Source and Activity Type — this will allow you to identify Feesable as the source of a lead or the type of activity logged.


Once you've received confirmation from Feesable that the integration has been setup:

  1. Run a test submission on your Fee Calculator

  2. Check Funnel for the new lead

    1. Check data is accurate

    2. Check data is in the right places within Funnel

  3. Report any feedback to


How does this integration work?

This integration is a simple one-way push of data from Feesable > Funnel. It is triggered at the time of a new Fee Estimate on Feesable, at which point the data is sent to Funnel. User data is not sent the other way - data is not sent from Funnel > Feesable. Feesable may store data based on submission or query (look up) data in Funnel to check if it already exists, but otherwise no new data is sent back to Feesable.

Is the Schools' data secure?

Feesable is serious about data security and privacy. We have strict requirements for the handling of data and are committed to protecting your data to build and maintain trust. Our integration with Digistorm Funnel is no different. To learn more about how we handle data view our Privacy Policy. If you have any further questions or concerns, please get in touch.

Please also refer to the Digistorm privacy policy and data handling policies for more information on how they handle your data.

Why do we need to setup a new User in Funnel for this integration?

To enable the integration we need to establish a secure link between Funnel and Feesable. To do this we need a Funnel user account - this is a very common practice for integration between systems. Currently, Funnel requires the connection via an API key linked directly to a user. Hence the sole purpose of the Feesable User is for this connection, and only requires limited access. If you ever want to stop the integration or access, you can simply delete this user.

How will we recognise leads in Funnel that come from Feesable?

This will depend on how you wish to setup the integration and how Funnel is setup for you. We recommend that you specify the Enquiry Source as "Feesable" or if enabled you can post a new note in the Activity stream for that lead with details on the fee estimate.

Will Feesable Overwrite data in Funnel?

No. Funnel will always be the 'Master'. So if a new fee estimate is submitted by an existing record in Funnel, Feesable will not overwrite or undo any work you may have done on that record.

What data from Feesable will we be able to see in Funnel?

Feesable will send all the relevant lead and parent/guardian information to Funnel including contact details, grade information and 'start year'. At this stage, the Fee Estimate data will not be sent to Funnel. This may be optionally available in the future.

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