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Sentral API integration creation

In this article you'll learn how to create an API for integrating Digistorm Funnel with Sentral

Warren Mato avatar
Written by Warren Mato
Updated over 3 years ago

In this article we'll be going through API creation for integrating Sentral with Digistorm Funnel. Just follow the steps below, and if you have any further questions don't hesitate to get in contact with our Support team via the chat button on the screen.

Two things to note before you proceed:

  1. API creation is only available to Sentral Administrators.

  2. API creation is only available on the Enterprise version of Sentral. You can check which version you're on by logging into Sentral and scrolling to the bottom of the dashboard page. If the version has the suffix “MT” eg. “20.43-MT” then it's an Enterprise school.

We need the following information to set up a Sentral integration with Digistorm Funnel successfully:


API Key:


API URL & Tenant

Login to your Sentral and select your school to be taken to the dashboard. The URL you see provides both the API URL and the Tenant.

Creating an API Key

  1. Click the settings cog on the top right, then “Enterprise Setup”.

  2. Click API Keys.

  3. Schools can create API Key Groups at this stage. Either Create an API Key Group or select an existing group. For example, a school may want to group “Integrations”.

  4. If you’re adding to an existing API Key Group click the name of the group and click Add API Key. If not, create a new API Key Group first.

  5. Fill in the required information to create the key, select the “tenant” you’d like to provide access to, and hit save.

  6. You’ll then be on a page where you can see your API Key. Make sure to include the API Key when you send it across to Digistorm Funnel.

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