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Digistorm App Upgrades
Ben Hare avatar
Written by Ben Hare
Updated over a year ago

We’ve been working on an important upgrade to improve the way we deliver and maintain Digistorm Apps. Below you’ll find all the information and resources you need to make the transition.

What’s new:

This new infrastructure offers a refreshed aesthetic, along with improved security, stability and flexibility.

With this upgrade, Digistorm will be able to better support any future changes you may need and will be better equipped to support your App in the background.

In addition, this upgrade means a refreshed design aesthetic and improved user experience! You can expect your existing school brand and identity to carry over flawlessly (including colours, logos, images, iconography); it will just be displayed in a more modern way. 

This upgrade also introduces some new features, including: 

  • Improved notification management.

  • Better filtering and sharing.

  • Improved navigation to make it easier for your community to find what they need.

  • More powerful synergy between some major integration partners, such as Schoolbox and Clipboard. 

What you need to do:

We’re taking a phased approach to the implementation of the upgrade, so that we can offer dedicated support. Each school’s requirements are likely to be a little different, but may include:

Please follow the instructions sent to you via email a few weeks before your upgrade takes place.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Will my community notice any changes?
    While the design will be refreshed, the actual functionality of your App will remain the same. From a user perspective, most of the changes are so minimal they will go unnoticed. In fact, our user testing confirmed that the App upgrade is very well received!

    As most people are accustomed to app updates and minor changes in their apps, it’s not likely you will receive any queries or concerns from your community regarding this upgrade. 

  2. What will stay the same?
    Here are a few things that will stay the same after the upgrade:

    1. The content management system you use to manage your Digistorm App will still be accessed through

    2. Integrations will continue to function as is, or even better across many integration partners! 

    3. The way you get support through to Digistorm will remain the same; our Customer Support Team is on hand and ready to help as always. 

  3. Will my App be available to my community during the upgrade?
    We’re not expecting any downtime to your App during the upgrade, so your community will experience seamless access.

  4. Will my community need to update their app?
    Yes, your community will get a notification to upgrade the app and it will describe some upcoming changes. We also suggest sending a quick notice to families letting them know that a new version of the app is available.

  5. Who do we go to if we want to make changes to our App?
    You'll still go to our support or CSM team for any changes to the app.

  6. What if I don't want the upgrade?
    Unfortunately this change will be applied to all apps, however rest assured we'll make your upgrade seamless and very worthwhile!

  7. Will we be getting more functionality?
    Initially the changes will be predominately visual in nature, including a refreshed design aesthetic and improved user experience.

  8. Will I lose any functionality in my app?
    We don't expect any loss of functionality and we'll be in contact to discuss any changes if you are impacted.

  9. Will parent tag subscriptions be migrated?

    The app will migrate the subscriptions for most customers when the user updates. For customers where this is not the case, Digistorm will work with you on some recommended communications to your community.

  10. I wanted to refresh my app. Should I wait or reach out now?
    If you refresh your app, you'll be upgraded at some point of time this year. However, this shouldn't impact you moving forward with app redesigns.

Where can I find support? ​

Our Support Team, and your Customer Success Manager, is on standby for any questions you might have.

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