For each lead in Funnel, you can set a lead owner. If you have several people managing your leads, the lead owner field helps show who is responsible for a particular lead.
Here are some ways a school might assign lead owners:
Different owners for different sections of the school, e.g. junior vs. senior.
Different owners for different stages in the lead's pipeline.
Different owners for different types of leads, e.g. new families vs. existing families.
How to change the lead owner field
The lead owner field can be changed individually, in bulk, or by using automations. To change it individually, select a lead, then use the 'more' button at the top right of your screen, and select 'change owner'.
To change the owner in bulk select the checkbox alongside the relevant leads on the lead list table, then Edit, and select Owner as the field to update. You can also automatically change the lead owner based on the conditions you choose using automations. To get started, see How to create a Funnel automation.
Tip: when viewing the leads list, you can show or hide the Lead Owner field. Look for the three dots near the top right of your screen, then select 'edit columns'.
Tip: add the lead owner field to the conditions for your dynamic lists so you can see just the leads you are responsible for.