Adding a field to your form

Learn how to add a field or text to your form

Claire Wuoti avatar
Written by Claire Wuoti
Updated over a week ago

Let's learn how to add a field to your form, remembering that you can only add fields that are already created in your Funnel account (for example you can add any field that exists on a form or the lead profile). If you need a new field created from scratch, please contact our support team via the chat option in Funnel.

To add a field to your form, first, hover to the left of the form, where you want to place the field and look for the + symbol:

Click the plus and then select 'Add form fields'

Then search for the field name you wish to add (use keywords or the full field title):

If the field already exists on the form, you won't be able to add it and it will show in grey under the heading 'already added.'

If you want to add explanatory text to a form, such as instructions, information or terms and conditions, you can add a text box instead:

This will allow you to add and format text on the form, text boxes can be added anywhere on a form:

A few things to remember:

  • You can only add fields that already exist within your Funnel

  • Contact Digistorm support for any new fields you would like created

  • A parent field can only be added to a parent collection

  • Lead fields can't be added to a parent collection

  • You can only use the field once on the form (you can add it to other forms however)

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