Funnel Form Editor FAQs
Adding a field to your form
View form change history and revert changes
What is a read-only field?
Edit any existing form fields and options labels
Make a form field required or optional
Editing Form and Page Titles
Add a text block to a form
Move a field's position throughout the form
Online Form Improvements FAQs
Forms Best Practice Guide
Funnel Form Translations FAQs
Is there a printable version of my blank form?
Create your own Recommendation form
Create your own Basic Funnel forms
Add help text, default text, and tool tips to your form fields
Can I print the application form to markup changes I want to make?
Set field display conditions to hide or show certain fields on your form
Update your form Welcome, Completion and Unavailable message
Conditionally show a text block on your form
How to hide or reorder field options from forms
Add new form pages
Preview your form changes
Removing a field from a form
Add a single / multiline field
Form types in Funnel
Enrolment form multi-signature functionality FAQs
Signature request emails for enrolment forms
At what stages do applicants receive automated emails when completing a form?
When do form applicants receive emails?
Prevent duplicate form submissions
Why do families get a form reminder when they have already completed the form?
How to test your new Enrol form
How to send an enrolment offer
View form entries in the Forms module
Understanding form status: incomplete and incomplete valid
How to manually mark a form submission as paid
Delete Incomplete Applications
Application Form Discounts & Coupons
Manage your discount codes
Update your forms multi-signature functionality
Pre-populated forms
Can you re-open a form entry once it has been completed?
Setting internal email notifications for Forms
How can I update the recipient email address for a form submission?
Editing Funnel form automated emails
Save forms as draft, publish, or unpublish
Add or update 5 cover fields on form PDF confirmation
Hide your forms from search engines
How to delete a Basic Funnel Form
Sharing options available for your forms
Customise your form colours