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Form types in Funnel
Ben Hare avatar
Written by Ben Hare
Updated over a year ago

Funnel has several form types available from within the Forms module section within Funnel.

The form types currently available in Funnel are as follows:

  • Enrol Form: Ideal for comprehensive applications, acceptance letters, and scholarship forms. This form includes 2-factor authentication and pre-filling features. It also facilitates easy continuation of forms at a later time.

  • Basic Form: Designed for quick and simple submissions, like expression of interest or request a prospectus forms with fewer fields. This form does not include the pre-filling feature, 2-factor authentication, or multi-signature capabilities.

  • Event Form: Every event type in your Funnel account has its own form associated with it. This means that when creating an event in Funnel and selecting the relevant event type, you're telling the system which form this event should be available on.

  • Booking Form: Every booking type within your Funnel has its own associated booking form. This form updates automatically when new time slots are made available or booked. The parent will click on dates that have available time slots, then select one of the time slots that are listed.

  • Recommendation Form: Designed to capture recommendations for leads. This form can be sent out manually to a recommender or can be triggered for once an Enrol type form has been completed.

All the above form types are easily accessible from the Forms module and can be filtered for easy locating.

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