There may be scenarios where parents need to make offline payments instead of completing the form's payment process.
For example, the payment may have been taken manually via EFTPOS, over the phone, in person, or by bank transfer. In this case, you can manually mark the form as 'Paid', in order for it's status to be updated to 'Complete'.
Firstly, you need to understand the form status. You can check the form status when you view an enrolment form, either from the entries list (with the Forms module), or when viewing a lead and looking at their submitted forms.
If the form status is "Incomplete (Valid)", it means all required fields have been completed but the payment has not been made via the form. (You can find more information here: Understanding form status: incomplete and incomplete valid).
If you have a form that has a status of "Incomplete (Valid)" and you have successfully taken payment outside of Funnel, follow these steps to manually mark the form as paid:
Open the relevant lead
Scroll down to the 'Forms' section
Find the relevant form
Click the three dots to the right of the form
Click on 'Mark as paid'
Once selected, you can enter the amount paid, and this information will store on the lead activity timeline (as well as move the form status to 'Complete').
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