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Getting started with your app

All the things you need to know about where to start with your app

Claire Wuoti avatar
Written by Claire Wuoti
Updated over a week ago

Getting started with a new system can be very exciting, especially an app! But we understand it can also be overwhelming to take on so much information and change. That’s why we’ve crafted this Getting Started Guide, which will help you work through the app at your own pace. You can also refer back to this guide whenever you need a little refresher.

To get started, follow this guide for logging into your app:

We also have a guide on commonly used terms:

Dashboard & settings

Check out this guide for the Dashboard, to help you navigate to the feature that you need:

Learn how to manage administrators of your app:


'App notices' are a message or alert sent to app users. They can also be sent as a push notification to reach people who have downloaded your school app, just like a text message. Learn more here:


The Calendar module is the most accessed module of the Digistorm App, as parents rely on this section for important information.

Find out how to create an event and add an attachment.


Your Newsletter can be added as a link if it’s hosted online, or as a PDF document.


The Galleries feature allows you to share an album of images through your Digistorm App.

Adding a gallery to your app:


The Contacts feature allows you to add key contacts for your school to your Digistorm App.


If you have the Absentees feature enabled, parents can let you know if their children are going to be absent via the App.

By default, these forms will send a notification to a nominated email address at your school.

Depending on your package with Digistorm you may also be able to access the form submissions via the Forms module in Funnel.


Business Directory


How to get help

Stuck somewhere? Found a bug? Got a suggestion for App improvements?

You can get help for all of your App problems in our support hub or by contacting your Customer Success Manager or our support team at

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