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Events Module FAQ

A compilation of how to's for your Funnel Events module

Georgie O'Neale avatar
Written by Georgie O'Neale
Updated over a week ago

We've always had the Event Feature in Funnel, but to align with the new Bookings module, it's had some new design and functionality improvements. This article will link you to the best information for getting acquainted with the updated Events view.

See what's changed in the updated Events module

  • The process for parents choosing events is far more informative and user-friendly.

  • On the event details page, you can now view lead details such as stage, entry year, year level, and more.

  • The event type will now be used as the default event name, which makes creating a new event as simple as selecting an event type and then just choosing a date and time. This also streamlines the information for registering parents.

Learn what you can now do in the updated events module

What can registering families do differently?


Q. When should I create an event type vs a new event?

An event type should be created when you're running an event that has different particulars (such as run times) and locations to any existing event types in your Funnel.

You should also consider the registration form for your existing event types. If you need to capture completely different information for a particular event you're running, it's best to create this as a new event type so you can customise the registration form to suit.

Q. Does every event type have a separate registration form?

Yes, every event type has its own event registration form that you can customise once created.

Q. How do I customise what's shown on the event attendees table?

The edit table functionality is the same as editing the Leads table in the leads module.

Q. What ways can I invite leads to my new event?

You can opt to keep the event private so only those who are invited via email are able to register. This will send them a one-time use-only link to register for the event. Alternatively, you can invite leads to the event from within the event itself or share the link on your website if it is a public event.

Q. How do I sync my events with my calendar?

Select manage event type and scroll to the sync to external calendar field. Copy the subscribe link and add it to your native calendar program.

Q. How do I change the timezone or location of an existing event?

Select manage event type from three more action menu items on the Events page. Select the Defaults tab to see the Timezone field, and enter the relevant timezone.

Q. The old calendar view is gone from my events module. How do I filter my upcoming events by date?

Use the quick filter options at the top of the events list. Here, you can filter by the date of the event, by a particular event type, or by the event status.

Q. What’s the difference between Recent events and Upcoming events?

Recent events are past events that have recently been held, whereas Upcoming events are those in the coming months and days, whether they're open or closed for registration.

Q. How do I create a recurring event?

You can’t currently create recurring events in Funnel events. The best way to do this is to duplicate your events and change the date.

Q. Do we now have additional event-specific reports?

Not just yet, unfortunately. But event-specific reporting will be coming in future releases.

Q. Can we now SMS our event registrants?

No, not just yet, but this will be coming in future releases.

Q. How do I know which form is related to my event?

You can select the three quick action dots to select Registration form options, and see or manage the form related to that event.

Q. How do I add event registrations?

Event registrants can be added directly within the event by selecting to invite existing Funnel leads. Alternatively, you can add a New registration to your event manually by selecting New registration in the three more action dots. You can also add leads to an event from the Lead details page or by bulk selecting the lead in the leads module.

Learn more here.

Q. Can I schedule when events are open or closed?

Not yet; events have to be manually opened or closed from within Funnel. Unless a capacity number has been set for an event, then the event will close automatically when that maximum number is met.

Q. How do I use events for small group tours?

We're working through a dedicated solution for a small group tour. For now, it's best to create small group tours within the Events module. Create your event type and then duplicate the event to change the times.

Q. What do I do once I've created an Event?

Once you've created your new event, you can choose to:

  • Send email invites to existing leads within your Funnel.

  • Share the registration form by using the direct link to the form or copy the embed code to add it to a page on your website.

  • Sync the calendar to see the event times for this event type on your calendar.

  • Manually add registrations from your Funnel that you know are coming to your event.

Q. Can I delete an event type?

Yes, you can delete an existing event type. This article will explain how. If there are upcoming or past events associated with the event type you wish to delete, you'll have to complete a few steps before successfully deleting the event type.

Q. Can I update the automated emails linked with my event types?

Yes, like all form emails you can update the content to suit your messaging. Only two of the emails listed are triggered automatically. One is the completion email, triggered when they complete the form, the other is the reminder email that is sent 24 hours prior to event start date. Learn more about updating the content of these emails here.

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